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Nature's Blast Greens

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$55.8 Per Bottle

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Enjoy a FULL YEAR to try Greens and experience the results for yourself. If you’re not 100% SATISFIED – simply let us know and we’ll gladly refund your money – guaranteed.


Full Spectrum Metabolic Greens For Optimal Health!

Full Spectrum Metabolic Greens For Optimal Health!

Nature's Blast Greens is a premium, nutrient-rich daily supplement designed to support natural metabolic functions. This potent formula combines 5 strategically designed blends of wholesome, real-food ingredients and synbiotic compounds to deliver comprehensive nourishment for peak wellness and vitality.



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Greens Blend – features 6 metabolic energy-supporting superfoods. Revitalizes energy production and metabolism, supports digestion, curbs appetite, and promotes fat-burning.

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Reds Blend – provides 17 reds bursting with antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and enzymes that neutralize free radical molecules, promote a healthy gut, and support immunity.

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Metabolic Support – combines 6 thermogenic activators that stimulate metabolic energy production and promote immune health.

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Digestive Support Synbiotic – 10 gut-nurturing probiotics and prebiotics that help optimize microbiome harmony, gut integrity, immunity, nutrient absorption, and other vital metabolic functions.

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Digestive Enzyme Support – provides a blend of 5 essential enzymes to facilitate the breakdown of these crucial nutrients, optimizing cellular absorption to reap their full benefits.

SAFETY INFORMATION: While the ingredients in metabolic Greens have no reported adverse effects, we recommend that individuals with chronic health conditions consult their healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen.

Each ingredient in this product has been scientifically studied and shown to deliver beneficial results and support health.

PRECAUTION: Individuals with liver disease should avoid supplements containing green tea.


Elevate your gut health with the superior quality, natural ingredients found in metabolic Greens! Support digestion with easily absorbable, essential nutrients that can be challenging to obtain through diet alone.

Your gut powers your entire body, and premium fuel promotes a healthy metabolism, reaching every cell in your system. The 5 digestive-optimizing blends in metabolic Greens are brimming with the vital nutrients nature intended for well-being! This supplement helps increase energy reserves, fueling effective workouts to achieve a fit and healthy physique!

Despite best efforts to make smart food choices, many options are processed, refined, high in artificial sugars, and filled with nutrient-void carbohydrates. It's no wonder eliminating these unhealthy foods can be so challenging.

We all know that when sugar enters your bloodstream, it triggers a cascade of issues like bloating, constipation, gas, fatigue, mood fluctuations, sadness, imbalanced blood sugar, free radical damage, compromised immunity, and more. So, how can you ensure you're getting the proper daily nutrition to maintain your health?

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We all know that when sugar enters your bloodstream, it triggers a cascade of issues like bloating, constipation, gas, fatigue, mood fluctuations, sadness, imbalanced blood sugar, free radical damage, compromised immunity, and more. So, how can you ensure you're getting the proper daily nutrition to maintain your health?

Metabolic Greens is an intelligent, natural way to support vitality and health in the modern age. This supplement provides you with 5 gut-nourishing blends packed with top-quality cellular nutrition to support a healthy metabolism and vibrant quality of life!

Men and women enjoy using the scientifically validated ingredients in metabolic Greens because they help:

  • REVITALIZE all-day energy levels
  • IMPROVE digestion & nutrient absorption
  • ALLEVIATE occasional bloating & gas
  • SUPPORT gut flora health & immunity
  • OPTIMIZE mental acuity, mood & overall well-being
  • REVAMP metabolic functions with nutrient diversity
  • RAISE antioxidant defense against free radicals for healthy aging
  • PROMOTE healthy blood sugar levels
  • PROMOTE restorative sleep
  • OPTIMIZE longevity
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Organic Barley Grass – Barley grass is abundant in lignans, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, including copper, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin, and vitamin B1, as well as protein. Research indicates it may help regulate cholesterol metabolism and improve digestion, weight management, and support cardiovascular metabolism. Like all whole grains, barley grass can hinder digestion and nutrient absorption. Nature's Blast's preparation method improves the ability to absorb these essential nutrients. Studies show it helps reduce the risk of gallstones by 10%. It also helps curb appetite!

Organic Alfalfa – Alfalfa is an herb and a legume prized for its superior source of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, and is low in calories. Nutrients include vitamin C, K, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, copper, manganese, magnesium, and iron. It's also high in saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, alkaloids, and phytoestrogens. In medicine, it's used to help defend brain functions, help maintain cholesterol within a normal range, reduce free radicals and harmful bacteria, and promote heart health.

Organic Wheat Grass – Wheat grass has high levels of all the essential amino acids (except lysine) than any other wheat. And it has NO gluten! The 9 essential amino acids that you must get from food are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Broccoli – Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, which is known for its high water and fiber content that stimulates the body's ability to burn fat and help you feel full. It's packed with protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, K, B9 (folic acid), potassium, phosphorus, and selenium. It contains a compound that converts into a potent antioxidant that supports healthy blood sugar levels and helps maintain cholesterol within a normal range, reduces free radicals that cause oxidative stress, and pro-inflammatory overactivity. It also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which help defend against free radical damage in the eyes.

Spirulina – This metabolic superstar was a must in Greens! Spirulina is recognized as one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and is used by astronauts in space. It's a blue-green algae hailed as a superfood packed with protein and amino acids. Its high fiber stimulates hormone secretion for glucose uptake and significantly lowers fasting blood sugar in studies. Studies show it optimizes healthy gut bacteria, reduces overactive pro-inflammatory markers, and assists in weight management. Research also shows it helps maintain cholesterol within a normal range, promotes heart health, and even reduces nasal allergies. It has 4 times the antioxidants of blueberries, defends brain health, and helps detox the pineal gland in the brain, improving dreams.

Green Tea Leaf – Green tea is loaded with potent catechins and antioxidants called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which can stimulate thermogenesis and metabolism. EGCG helps inhibit the breakdown of norepinephrine, which in turn promotes fat breakdown. Caffeine is a stimulant that also helps burn fat. Together they compound these effects turning the body into a fat-burning machine releasing energy into cells and muscles!


Black Currant – Other than making a delicious jam, this unsung hero can lower the risk for multiple metabolic conditions. It helps support healthy heart functions, cholesterol within a normal range, circulation, glucose sensitivity, and weight management. It also contains an omega-6 fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) that helps reduce joint decay, discomfort, and stiffness. And anthocyanins, which have antioxidant effects, help reduce skin aging and wrinkles. It reduces muscle fatigue, and improves eye, bone, lung, liver, digestive, bladder, brain health, and more!

Beetroot – Beets are relatively new to the scene of superfoods, with a fabulous range of benefits. It's a great source of vitamins A and C, folic acid, magnesium, and phosphorus, and smaller amounts of calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, copper, and selenium. Studies show it relaxes vessels for better flow, pressure, and oxygenation. It improves digestion and lowers the risk of erratic blood glucose.

Acai Fruit – Acai has been buzzing the airwaves in recent years for its powerful antioxidants against free radicals and scavenging potential. They’re rich in vitamin A, iron, calcium, and fiber. It helps optimize immune responses and promotes healthy aging, brain functions, and defends against harmful bacteria. Studies also show that it reduces cholesterol, fasting blood glucose, and related hormones in studies. Acai contains monounsaturated fats (MUFAS), which may help you feel satisfied for longer after meals and reduce hunger pangs.

Strawberry – High in polyphenols and anthocyanins, these yummy treats improve enzyme activity that promotes healthy metabolic functions, reduces overactive pro-inflammatory markers, and defends against metabolic disorders. Studies show strong antioxidant scavenging properties, particularly on gut health, blood and liver fats, and oxidation of fat in kidneys.

Blueberry – Touted as the ultimate brain food! Not only does research show blueberries improve memory but also defend brain health, especially with age. Blueberries' phytonutrients can cross the blood-brain barrier and get right to work. They support blood glucose levels, optimize glucose sensitivity, and help maintain cholesterol within a normal range.

Pomegranate – This biblical fruit is rich in several polyphenols and helps defend against metabolic disorders. One key factor leading to these disorders is lipid metabolism. Pomegranate helps maintain these fats within a normal level and reduces free radical decay and pro-inflammatory overactive markers.

Raspberry – A decadent bonanza of benefits, raspberries are high in antioxidants, but also in B-group vitamins as well as vitamins C, E, K, manganese, copper, iron, and potassium. They support heart health, blood glucose levels, healthy weight management, and reduce overactive pro-inflammatory markers. They help regenerate DNA and inhibit enzymes that cause joint discomfort. They're high in fiber, support gut health and digestion, and improve moods!

Grape Skin (GSE) – GSE is an exceptional source of the potent antioxidant proanthocyanidins. These megastars reduce harmful bacteria that invade the urinary tract and cause ulcers in the stomach lining. They neutralize damaging free radical molecules and reduce lipid oxidation and overactive pro-inflammatory responses.. Studies show it significantly supports venous integrity, blood sugar levels, and mitochondrial potential, and inhibits malignant cell growth.

Blackberry – This dark berry is brimming with high levels of potent antioxidants, including anthocyanins, flavonols, and ellagitannins. Studies show they preserve brain health against age-related neurodegenerative diseases, reduce bone loss, and inhibit the oxidation of cholesterol. Anthocyanins also inhibit malignant cell growth, support weight management, healthy blood sugar levels, and immune responses. This means excellent news for healthy aging.

Black Cherry – Jam-packed with vitamin C, potassium, manganese, copper, fiber, polyphenols, beta-carotene, flavonoids, flavonols, anthocyanins, and catechins. Cherries support immunity, muscle contraction, nerve function, cardiovascular health, and more. Rich in antioxidants that combat premature aging. Researchers found that cherries effectively reduce haywire immune variables in 11 out of 16 studies and markers of oxidative stress in 8 out of 10 studies. These delicious treats promote healthy gut flora and digestion. Polyphenols help strengthen glucose metabolism, mental well-being, and together with potassium, heart health. Studies show that cherries contain melatonin, the sleep hormone, and may improve sleep quality!

Plum – This yummy treat contains a high phenolic content, particularly anthocyanins. Research shows this powerful antioxidant helps improve memory and cognitive function, reduces pro-inflammatory responses, and inhibits malignant cell growth in the colon. In addition, it stimulates skeletal muscle mass formation, improves bone health parameters, and reduces cardiovascular risk factors.

Elderberry – Elderberry has been used for thousands of years against pathogens, colds, and the flu. It's an excellent source of vitamins C and K and manganese, supporting the immune system, wound regeneration, iron absorption, blood clotting, bone health, and energy production. Its potent antioxidant anthocyanins may help optimize circulation to the brain responsible for speech, memory, and attention and inhibit malignant cell growth. It improves digestion, alleviates occasional constipation, supports healthy blood sugar, and helps maintain cholesterol within a normal range. In addition, it helps reduce overactive pro-inflammatory responses, supporting cardiovascular and joint health.

Bilberry – Extremely rich in manganese, vitamin C, iron, antioxidants, anthocyanins, phenolic acids, myricetin, and quercetin. Research shows its potent antioxidants reduce free radical oxidative damage. It raises the body’s natural antioxidant, glutathione, and vitamin C levels and reduces nitric oxide in your liver. It helps optimize healthy creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, two critical markers of the kidneys. It may help improve circulation by aiding the valves in veins that return blood to your heart. Research suggests it supports healthy blood glucose levels. Studies show that anthocyanosides help strengthen venous wall integrity, and circulation, and defend against LDL cholesterol oxidation. Studies also suggest bilberries may improve vision and modulate amyloid plaques, defending memory, mood, and brain function. One study showed a 38-60% reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and other markers.

Fig – Figs have a small but wide variety of vitamins and minerals. This low-calorie snack promotes digestive and heart health and supports healthy blood sugar levels and bone density. It serves as a prebiotic, stimulating gut motility, reducing constipation, and promoting the growth of good gut flora. Studies also show it helps maintain total cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and triglyceride levels within a normal range. Research also demonstrates its antioxidants reduce collagen breakdown, improve the appearance of wrinkles, and promote healthy skin.

Purple Carrot – All carrots offer an excellent variety of nutrients, including fiber, potassium, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin A, and certain B vitamins. The unique benefit of purple carrots is the polyphenols, such as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidants that reduce overactive pro-inflammatory molecules and support heart health. Studies show it significantly supports circulation, venous wall function, and cardiovascular health. Research demonstrates it helps inhibit malignant cell growth in certain organs. Low in calories, purple carrots contain soluble fiber that increases peptide YY hormones, reducing appetite and helping satiety and feeling satisfied after meals, optimizing weight management. It also supports the liver, gut health, and blood sugar metabolism.

Purple Cabbage – Purple cabbage contains significantly high levels of beneficial compounds, including, flavonoids, glucosinolates, kaempferol, sulforaphane, and anthocyanins. It's also rich in vitamins A, C, K, and B6, as well as potassium. Studies show a variety of health benefits, such as reducing pro-inflammatory molecules that lead to disease, supporting heart health, stronger bones, improving gut functionality, and inhibiting malignant cell growth. Sulforaphane is also known to alleviate swelling and aches. Anthocyanins support cardiovascular health and circulation in areas of the brain linked to attention, language, and memory.

Hibiscus Flower – The main bioactive compounds of hibiscus are anthocyanins, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Its antioxidant properties help defend against free radical oxidative stress, including LDL cholesterol oxidation. It improves kidney filtration and supports cardiovascular health. Polyphenols in hibiscus can help regulate energy metabolism, showing beneficial effects on lipid management and weight loss. In a clinical trial with 36 patients (BMI 27 kg/m2), 2.7 g of hibiscus or placebo was supplemented for 12 weeks. The study showed that hibiscus significantly reduced weight and BMI. The weight loss was 1.2 kg. In another study participants who had metabolic syndrome significantly reduced total cholesterol, low-density cholesterol (LDL-c), increased high-density cholesterol (HDL-c), reduced triglyceride/HDL-c ratio, and glucose levels.


Ginger Root – This soothing spice supports digestion and stimulates metabolism and fat-burning mechanisms. Studies show ginger has a regulatory effect on immune markers, strengthens glucose sensitivity, reduces appetite, and increases feelings of fullness and satisfaction.

Ceylon Cinnamon – This delightful spice supports blood glucose and healthy heart functions. It stimulates energy and fat-burning mechanisms that also help maintain blood fats such as triglycerides and cholesterol within a normal range. Additionally, it reduces hunger!

Bitter Melon – This unique fruit supports healthy blood sugar levels and helps maintain blood fats within a normal range. It also helps stimulate healthy glucose and fat metabolism and reduces hunger and cravings.

Turmeric – Turmeric is highly respected for its potent immune benefits. It's a powerful full-spectrum antioxidant and anti-microbial that assists in cellular regeneration and healthy respiratory functions. It also supports healthy blood glucose levels.

White Tea Leaf – A luxurious brew concentrated to effectively inhibit the formation of fat cells and stimulate fat-burning metabolism.

Black Pepper – The magical component, piperine, optimizes carbohydrate and fat metabolic functions. It helps absorb nutrients from foods, especially turmeric. Piperine also breaks down body fat and reduces free radical oxidative damage to tissues.


Digestive Synbiotic of 10 Probiotics & Prebiotics – Research shows that the gut's ecosystem of trillions of microbes is intricately linked to overall health and chronic illnesses. Providing healthy gut bacteria with their favorite food reduces the risk of chronic illness and strengthens health and metabolism! Each probiotic and prebiotic nourishes various good bacteria and optimizes immune cell function and defenses.
Your gut flora will love you for the 10 nutrient-bursting probiotics and prebiotics in Greens!

  1. Lactobacillus Acidophilus
  2. Lactobacillus Salivarius
  3. Lactobacillus Plantarum
  4. Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
  5. Bifidobacterium Lactis
  6. Bifidobacterium Bifidum
  7. Lactobacillus Fermentum
  8. Lactobacillus Reuteri
  9. Bifidobacterium Longum
  10. Isomalto-oligosaccharide


Enzymes – Without enzymes, nothing in your body would function. Enzymes are the keys that bring components together and unlock metabolic processes so the body can reap their benefits.

DigeZyme is a multi-enzyme complex composed of 5 beneficial digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes help break down food for digestion, absorb nutrients, produce energy, and so much more. Optimizing digestive enzyme nourishment daily helps the metabolism chug full steam ahead!

  1. Amylase (breaks down starch)
  2. Protease (breaks down protein)
  3. Lipase (breaks down fat)
  4. Lactase (breaks down dairy)
  5. Cellulase (breaks down fiber)

Our secret? Nature's Blast harnesses advanced technology to concentrate 46 superfoods and essential nutrients for optimal absorption and utilization!

GREENS BLEND – features 6 metabolic energy-supporting powerhouse ingredients.

REDS BLEND – 17 REAL, easily absorbed FRUITS & VEGGIES rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, and enzymes that combat free radicals and support healthy gut function and immunity.

METABOLIC BLEND – 6 thermogenic boosters that jumpstart metabolic energy and bolster immune health.

PROBIOTIC & PREBIOTIC BLEND – 10 gut-nourishing probiotics and prebiotics that optimize gut microflora, gut integrity, immunity, nutrient absorption, and other crucial metabolic functions.

DIGEZYME BLEND – delivers 5 essential enzymes to facilitate the breakdown of these vital nutrients, enabling cellular absorption and unlocking their full potential.

These 46 superfoods work synergistically, providing a wealth of nutrients. Greens help nourish cells with the raw fuel needed to promote a steady flow of energy, optimized immune functions, and overall well-being!

STOP depriving your body of the daily nutrients it craves and unleash the power and energy of the 5 UNIQUE HEALTH-REVITALIZING BLENDS in Nature's Blast Greens!


SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, adults mix one (1) scoop with 8 fl oz of water once a day.

CAUTION: Do not exceed the recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18, and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

supplement facts
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Nature's Blast Greens supports the body's natural ability to detox, maintain healthy weight management, and support overall health.

Fuel energy and fat-burning metabolism with the help of metabolic Greens by Nature's Blast! This natural blend of toxin removers and metabolism boosters has been shown to help with healthy weight management without starvation crazy diets, or endless workouts.

We at Nature's Blast pride ourselves on delivering only premium quality ingredients tested for purity and potency. Greens (like all of Nature's Blast products) are designed and created using current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).


Greens reduce metabolism-congesting toxins while naturally stimulating thermogenesis fat burning metabolism. This one-of-a-kind formula includes…

Ginger Root: Promotes healthy circulation and digestion for effective toxin removal, stimulates fat burning, and reduces brain fog and feelings of hunger.

Ceylon Cinnamon Bark: Research shows how cinnamon inhibits dietary fat and sugar absorption to help shed pounds.

Bitter Melon: Shown in studies to help reduce stubborn belly fat.

Turmeric: Potent antioxidants in turmeric support healthy liver function, which is essential for natural detoxification.

White Tea: Contains high levels of nutrients that break down fat cells and stimulate fat-burning metabolism.

Black Pepper Fruit: Black pepper may raise the absorption of essential nutrients like calcium and selenium, as well as some beneficial plant compounds, such as those found in green tea and turmeric.

Greens also contains a special blend of probiotics to promote healthier digestion, as well as our unique Greens and Reds blends of health-and-energy-supporting fruits and vegetables.

supplement facts


YES! Nature's Blast created metabolic Greens using only fresh, pure, and natural ingredients proven in studies to help:

  • Support detoxification
  • Optimize metabolic functions
  • Stimulate thermogenesis to burn more calories and adipose tissue
  • Promote healthier digestion
  • Optimize natural energy all day long


If you want a metabolism boost for energy and maximum calorie burn as a part of a healthier lifestyle, then we highly recommend STOCKING UP to SAVE MORE today with our special discount package. Get 6 bottles of Greens at the rock-bottom price of just $2.07 a day. Risk-free savings to help you support more energy and optimal health.

REMEMBER! We know you’ll love how Greens will make you feel. But if it’s not for you, let us know within 12 months and you’ll get your money back.

This exclusive package allows you to take advantage of our lowest possible prices, without the worry of increasing costs and/or additional shipping fees later.


Greens was formulated for men and women who are sick and tired of struggling with stubborn body fat and are ready to optimize nutrition for healthy aging and boost their metabolism and energy levels naturally.


YES! Remember, the high levels of toxins today can slow down your metabolism to a crawl. By supporting nutrient diversity, detoxification, and metabolism, you can help maintain a healthier weight and overall well-being!

We highly suggest using metabolic Greens daily and LONG-TERM for optimal and consistent results.


No! Greens ingredients are natural, have no reported side effects, and include:

  • Broccoli: Clinical studies show how broccoli helps your body eliminate environmental toxins.
  • Ginger: Promotes healthy circulation and digestion for effective toxin removal. Also been shown to boost fat burning, blow away brain fog, and reduce feelings of hunger.
  • Turmeric: Potent antioxidants in turmeric support healthy liver functions, which is essential to the body's natural detox.
  • Bitter Melon: Shown in studies to help burn stubborn belly fat.
  • White Tea: Contains high levels of nutrients that break down fat cells by stimulating thermogenesis fat-burning metabolism.
  • Ceylon Cinnamon: Research shows how cinnamon blocks dietary fat and sugar absorption, which means less calorie absorption.

Greens also contain a special blend of pre- and probiotics for healthy digestion as well as our unique Reds blends of health- and energy-supporting fruits and vegetables.

All these natural ingredients are scientifically validated and considered safe. If you notice anything unusual, please discontinue use and consult your physician.

CAUTION: People with liver disease should NOT take supplements containing green tea. For best results, separate taking any supplements from medicines by 4 hours.


SUGGESTED USE: For the most effective results, adults taking 1 scoop (approx. 4.1 g) daily, which is included in the container, mixed with 8 oz. of water, 30 minutes before a meal.


Discover how to get Greens for the low price of $2.07 a day below!

Remember! Every order comes with complimentary Shipping, Easy Tracking & a 365-Day Ironclad NO-RISK Money-Back Guarantee.


ABSOLUTELY! Feel at ease knowing you can track your order at any time. Once we process your order, you'll get an email with your confirmation details. If you have any questions, please email us or call our experts 24/7 for assistance. Toll-free at (888) 810-8801, Mon-Sun 24/7. Outside the US, call us at +1-571-400-2700. Email:

Supercharge your nutrient diversity and overall well-being, stimulate fat-burning metabolism, and optimize healthy aging with the help of Greens! Take advantage of this HUGE discount RIGHT NOW.

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Greens bottles 365 Days Money Back Guarantee


Your satisfaction is our top priority. That's why we offer a 365-day money-back guarantee on all Greens purchases. If you're not completely satisfied with your results, simply contact us for a no-hassle full refund.



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